Use this site to search for D packages. It's currently a proof-of-concept for using Lucene to index and search for D packages, since it offers a lot of out-of-the-box features for things like full-text indexing, scoring based on numerical features, and explaining exactly how results were found.
Note that because this is only a proof-of-concept, there are some limitations to be aware of:
A delay is introduced to avoid spamming the limited resources on my server. On my machine, this server is able to get search results back on the order of < 10ms, but I limit it to around 500ms because this is running on a limited server.
The index for search results is static; it was generated by me once, and is not regularly updated to help preserve my weak server's performance for the rest of my stuff. In production, indexing would be triggered with each package update, or even just periodically.
No effort has been put into styling this page to make it look fancy.